We offer a Hybrid Greenhouse, with patent-pending clean-room technology which makes crop contamination a non-issue.
Introducing our gorgeous, sleek, modern high tech greenhouses. Our building partners have over 35 years designing and developing structures. Uniquely designed under patent pending protection, We have transformed traditional greenhouses into modern, insulated, sealed, natural daylighted, clean-room laboratories. The design was heavily influenced by pharmaceutical production where regulations require sterile environments. We can create an architectural appearance that is appealing and accepted by building departments holding to strict aesthetic standards. Traditional greenhouses at that level are generally rejected. Our greenhouse is unlike any traditional greenhouse in both construction and operation. Our Hybrid Greenhouses can be designed and built at a price that is significantly lower than existing greenhouses. Lower upfront capital expenditures mean more money to inject back into your business.
Our Hybrid Greenhouse is the perfect option for high-value and experimental plant operations, including cannabis, hemp, food farms, new hybrids, bio algae research, and natural daylighting laboratories, as well as growing in cold climates or barren environments. We use the natural core earth temperature to cool or warm the air depending on the outdoor climate. The nominal temperature in these submerged air chambers is 60 degrees, no matter if it is 30 degrees below zero or 120 degrees outside at ground level. Air cavity and grow room airflow is managed by proprietary oil bath fans containing a series of oil-laden filters and traps to eliminate airborne contaminants. Intake air is drawn from a perforated underground pipe system, introducing natural earth air filtration, cooling, and heating.
Our Greenhouses can also be used for offices, data-centers, manufacturing, advanced healing, exercise training facilities, and smart farms. We plan to create a franchise turnkey model with our advanced vertical growing systems as well we can sell these greenhouses and smart farm solutions. Hybrid Greenhouses are designed so that each grow room can be independently sealed. This assures that cross-pollination does not occur. With state and federal standards tightening regarding product purity, our cleanroom greenhouses ensure complete sterile environments perfect for Pharma laboratory environments.
Our Hybrid Greenhouse partner has also been selected as a finalist in the Energy and Sustainability category in the 2019 Edison Awards. Our greenhouses are eco-friendly and fully compliant with the US Farm Bill. Up to 85% percent of each greenhouse is constructed from recycled materials, exceeding the California Green Building Code by as much as 50%. Conventional framing for ease of construction, plentiful workforce availability, and 4 month delivery lead time!
Our Hybrid Greenhouses are fully customizable to meet your grow operation’s needs, with optional features that include:
The sealed, cleanroom laboratory environment guarantees the purity and safety of crops.
Natural Earth Air Systems help maintain your ideal growing temperature.
Our sleek, futuristic designs mean quick city approvals.
Daylighting control ensures optimal lighting at any time of the day.
Patent-pending oil bath fans eliminate airborne contaminants.
Sealed air cavity provides superior insulation suitable for all climates.
Reflective coating amplifies natural daylight.
The flexible layout allows for alternative uses such as office space, recreation, research, manufacturing.
Solar and battery power or natural gas power generation options
Adjustable Artificial Light Source
Refractor Panels
Electronic Glazing Daylighting Control
Cloud Cover Hazing in Sealed Air Cavity
Louver Daylighting Control
Draping Daylighting Control
Designed for maximum energy efficiency in both hot and cold climates.
Mold and other fungi growth control technologies
Oil bath mechanical fans for air purity
Proprietary growing platforms
Airflow to fortify plant strength
CO2 Injection for enhancing plant growth
Reflector light panels to increase plant growth
Air space insulation between roof/ceiling and interior/exterior wall systems
Insulated transparent double wall and roof ceiling system for maximum insulation value
Rooms designed for wash down with open spray sanitizer
Cloud cover hazing to simulate natural cloud cover in roof/wall dead air space
Plant odor control by underground evaporator cooler systems
Advanced filter systems to eliminate airborne contaminants
Natural earth core temperature used for baseline mechanical system air management
Natural gas or LP heating producing usable CO2
Roofs with automatic roof cleaning system.
Roof structure capable of supporting automation equipment up to 10 tons.
Intake air is drawn from a perforated underground pipe system, introducing natural earth air filtration, cooling, and heating
Natural Wind Movement
Our exclusive Aero-Ponics growing technology can be used to grow any type of vegetable or plant, greens, lettuce, tomato, herbs, potatoes, hemp, and any form of cannabis. Our Aero Ponics grow facilities are the most energy-efficient systems available on the market today combining advanced proven water technologies, frequency technologies, multi-stage filtration systems, energy-efficient lighting, misting technology, automated management, food injection, renewable power, and control systems. All these technologies combined make our system the most advanced and efficient food growing system in the World. Our towers can hold from 10 to 140 plants each.
The water mist output runs with a fully automated timer system, sensors, with room temperature control systems. Root systems are incredibly beautiful and healthy and our product comes out 100% Organic totally chemical-free. So if you want to earn several times the income and save tons of money on power and labor we are excited to partner with you. We are offering Non-Exclusive Joint Venture Licenses where we set up the entire system and partner with you and we find trustworthy management teams that help with the marketing and in certain situations, we may be able to help provide funding to select projects. We look forward to working with you, please keep reading on to see more of our awesome systems!